Celebrity: Who is Montgomery Maxton? The Artist (Part 2 of 3)

(All photos copyright Montgomery Maxton. Please contact the artist for publishing/purchasing details)

His photography is his photography, and his poetry is his poetry – they are two separate entities, and that’s just the way Montgomery likes it. The artist himself is a living, breathing paradox. He’s in your face – except when he’s not. He’s loud with his art, and quiet in person.
We met Montgomery and travelled back in time with him last week to find out how he came to be where he is now. Today, it's all about the art. Come on in and stay awhile...

Lazaro: What type of correlation (if any) is there between your
writing/photography and what you are going through at a particular time in your life? 

Maxton: When it comes to writing I certainly correlate my life with it. While I used to say that my poetry is entirely fiction, that is not the case; it has always been based on some part of something in my life or on a fantasy of mine… My photography steers clear of both my poetry and my life. It’s doing its own thing and always has.

Maxton's first book, "This Beautiful Bizarre"

Lazaro: So then, ‘never the twain shall meet”?

Maxton: For my next book, Champagne, coming out later this year, I was originally going to push the limit by inserting some of my more controversial photography with the poetry. But after drafting the book like that, I decided against it, feeling that it took away too much from the poetry itself.

Mount Pleasant Mansion, Philadelphia

Lazaro: What do you think comes along with expressing yourself artistically?

MaxtonIn the end I’m worried that people of the future will look back and not remember me for the poetry, the fiction, or the photography, that I’ll be remembered for a stupid viral tweet or something that gets like twelve retweets and six favorites.
Instead of a statue in a park (of me) someone will make a Play-Doh mold of a drunk selfie that forever lives online or something. *Sad Face Emoji* *Pile of Poop Emoji*

 "Still Life of Spring Tulips" 2013. 

Man dancing in Central Park. April 2015. ©

LazaroYou changed your name, as many artists do, but your family still addresses you by your given name. Do you ever feel as if you have two separate personas?

MaxtonI don’t feel like I have dual personas. I really just changed my name to better my writing career; Montgomery Maxton is catchier and cool. I’m glad I did. Someone said once that it sounded like a porn name.  Whatever biatch.

©2015 Montgomery Maxton Photography

Lazaro: Being an artist means constant critique, both good and bad. What is the best compliment you ever received about your art?

Maxton: The best compliment was people buying and reading my first book. It wasn't that I made royalties, it was that they supported me enough to buy and read it.

©2015 Montgomery Maxton Photography

Maxton's next book, "Champagne", will be released on October 6th of this year. 

Check out daily-affair.com next week to read part 3 of this series, as we discuss Maxton's passion for activism and civil rights.

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