Being famous puts you in a tight jam if you are not rich.
I come from the world of TV news: you're on TV, but it takes a long while before you make any real money. The fact is, quite frankly, most journalists are not rich. Did you know that first job salaries in TV start around $20,000 a year?As a result, we become experts at getting bargains, but what if you need and want more...more money and a better lifestyle?
By the way, I talk about how to work around this in my upcoming book "On-air Perfect." Stay tuned!
So, it's a weird predicament of being (somewhat) famous, but could certainly use an extra job for a better lifestyle. It's not like you can go to the local Applebee's and waitress or host. In fact, many stations have to approve your second job - because though they can't afford to pay you a better wage, they also can't afford to have the "face of their station" moonlighting at Best Buy.
So what job can you get if you are on TV, and need a little extra cash? I've complied a list of the best jobs you can do if you're on TV; and this can be applied to any public figure.
1. Paid public speakingAs an on-air personality, you likely get asked to emcee several events around the community. It wasn't until I left the rigors of daily news did I realize that many people make lucrative careers as public speakers. If this sounds appealing, you can travel the country, even the world on your days off!
First step is to build out your speakers profile on your personal website. Think of your talking points, keynote notes - your platform. Take photos and even record the next time you present in public, so you can build a reel. Then, put it out there and let people know that you are a public speaker!
Check out my presenters page HERE.
If you don't know where to start or want a more detailed guide to build out your speaking career, check out one of these very affordable programs HERE.
Once you have all of your speakers materials in place, you can book yourself, but also submit your work to a speaker's bureau.
2. Teach a course of your expertise
I'm sure that you have a passion for something, but if nothing rings a bell, you can always teach the basics of television reporting and production. Research a trade school, community college, university, high-school media program, and even skills development organizations (like General Assembly in Atlanta) and figure out a course you can teach that works around your schedule. Your biggest hook is that your are the "local anchor for XXX news", and that, in turn, will be their biggest draw to fill up seats in your class.
Note: I've known some who have worked as a private tutor or professional tutor at a program like Kaplan.
3. Coach
Are you a former athlete or dancer? Take that love for your game and get a gig at a school, after school program, karate or dance studio.
4. Fitness instructor
The same idea as coaching, but for those totally into a healthy lifestyle. Get certified as a yoga, zumba or even personal trainer, and turn that passion for physical fitness into extra checks at the gym.
5. Model
If you're on-air, it is likely that you are gorgeous. There is a bulging new market and need for everyday people, so you may be a perfect fit for lifestyle and commercial modeling. Test it out. Send your photos to the local agency. There's only an upside - you could actually start working as a model!
Note: It depends on your station and market, but working as the spokesperson for those cheesy car commercials can generate tons of extra income. Many of these commercials are shot out of town for different markets. This was perfect for a friend of mine who lived in Charlotte, but was famous as the "car girl" in South Florida and upstate New York.
6. Trade show presenter
I wish that I would have known about this earlier in my career, but I have just now joined the game. There are a handful of agencies that pitch talent to the thousands of trade shows that happen nationally and internationally each year. From auto shows to tech conferences, companies want a professional presenter to clearly explain to their audiences their marketing message.
Hey! That sounds like what you do everyday at the news station, except you get the country! Warning, you may like this gig so much that you may end up wanting to quit news!
7.Trivia host at pubs
For those with big personalities, you can partner with a pub or restaurant that hosts trivia nights. Use that "local anchor" hook and make it "your night" to draw the crowd and your fans. Do it once a week and walk away with $500-$1000 a night!
8. Freelance writing
Going back to that notion of your "expertise", you could pitch stories to local and national publications, both print and online. What about your passion? Perhaps you can negotiate a monthly column. Are you in a hot-bed of breaking news stories or on the investigative team? Pitch a weekly round-up offering your insider notes. You can see the possibilities can be endless as there are so many outlets that need expert content.
9. Direct Sales
Remember the Avon lady growing up? Well, Avon and Mary Kay have rebranded and updated their product range for today's market. There are also many more options like selling jewelry and clothes. This is super flexible option and your first customers can even be your coworkers. The other benefit about this route, is that once you build up your customer base, you'll likely have repeat customers. So, invest in the marketing at the start, and chill-out and enjoy the ride or streaming income later. Here's a cool list of Direct Sales companies for women from The Work at Home Woman.
10. Build your online presence
The biggest myth is that because you are TV, you have someone come in and do your hair and makeup everyday. That won't happen until you make it to the big leagues (i.e. network). So, what on-air presenters become good at doing is their own hair and makeup. Well, why not teach that online? Or something else that you are great at doing.
Blogging, Youtube tutorials, webinars and online courses are all at your finger tips these days. The key is to think about it more than a hobby and figure out how to monetize your efforts. Affiliates, sponsored content, and passive income all come from having an engaged audience that believes in you. There are tons of people who teach this. Need help getting started? Check out these affordable courses HERE.
The key here is to do what you love as a TV news personality/journalist, but not let the low salary hold you back. This means thinking like an entrepreneur, which may be all new to you. I'm a big fan of, and I recommend that you read his work at least once a week to not only get inspired, but learn strategy tips to being a boss!
Have a cool side-gig? Let us know and we'll post it here!

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