Savvy Ways to Fit Dating into Your Hectic Schedule

Image Source: Pexels CC0 Licence

If you’re feeling the need for a little romance in your life but you’re simply too busy to make it happen, it might be a good time to reassess your entire approach.
Sure, you have a lot on your plate - succeeding in your career, making time for family and friends, and meeting your health goals. But are you too busy for love? An active love life is considered by many people as an important pillar of a well-balanced lifestyle. So if it’s something that you want, then there should be ways to include it in your life.

But how? If you believe that you’re too busy to date, or you’re struggling to find the time to get your current relationship back on track, then try these three tips to help you prioritize differently and make a little extra time for love. 

Put Dating in Your Calendar
It’s true that setting calendar appointments to remind you do head out on a date once a week doesn’t exactly seem romantic. But since we use calendar reminders to help us remember all the other important (and not so important) things in our lives, why not bring this kind of discipline to an area of your life that you want to make space for? Whether you’re penciling in a slot for a lunch date with someone you’re attracted to at the office, or making time to get your hands on love spells that actually work, don’t leave it to chance. Otherwise, you’ll never make the time. Blocking off time in your week to pursue your romance goals is a perfect way to make yourself see dating as an important area of your life, rather than something to be squeezed in around other priorities.

Avoid Over-committing 
This one is not so much about committing to going on fewer dates than you would ideally like, but stopping yourself from getting overly involved with people before you’re ready. If you’re really busy, the last thing you need is to be going on dates with people you aren’t that into. The way to avoid this is not to say you want a second date when you don’t. Ensuring that you’re only giving the level of commitment that you’re actually ready for means your time won’t be taken up with seeing people who you have made commitments to keep seeing, even if they don’t tick all your boxes. To avoid having a calendar crammed with dates you aren’t actually that keen on, it’s important to go at your own pace, giving yourself the space and the time you need to feel the relationship out before introducing them to your family and going Facebook official. If you’re seeing someone who you really like, it’s best to avoid going no-holds-barred until you’ve taken the time to get to know them really well. Not only will this mean you’re only seeing people you really want to see, but you’ll avoid the guilt that can come with ending relationships you weren’t ready for. 

Image Source: Pexels CC0 Licence

Commit to a Minimum Dates-per-week 
Whether you set your minimum at one date per week or three, deciding in advance how many dates it suits you to go on every week is a great way to encourage yourself to get out there and date, even when you feel really busy. If you look at your schedule carefully—being honest about how you use your time—it’s likely that you can find an hour or two in a week for a date. If you have a prior commitment to make it to one date per week, you’re more likely to put in the extra effort and use your time in this way. Otherwise, it might be tempting to put off dating for the week and play video games instead!

So, will you give these tips a try to get things going in your dating life?

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